Throughout my years of clothes hoarder I've come up with several tips that I am going to share with you. Through these tips you will see that I'm a hoarding that even a real thing? Even when I'm cleaning my closet out I tend to keep pieces I do not need.
So this is what my closet looked like when I started.
My closet extends about two feet farther on each side and was jam-packed! I seriously struggled every time I had to put something away.
Here are my 10 tips for cleaning out your closet
1. Pull everything you don't want to keep and everything you are questioning about keeping
2. Try all the pieces on (you never know, you may re-fall in love with a piece you thought you didn't
want anymore)
3. If it is too big get rid of it
4. If you can think of several outfits to create with a piece, keep it (and the hoarding tendencies are
beginning to show)
5. If you are questioning getting rid of it, keep it, but only if you have the space (again, the hoarding
side of me is showing)
6. Create a Goodwill/donate pile
7. Create a consignment store pile (this is for your higher end pieces that you will be able to get a
decent amount of money for)
8. Create a Plato's Closet/Clothes Mentor Pile to sell clothes that are still in good condition
9. Don't take everything to Goodwill/Plato's Closet/ the consignment store for a few days, think about
the pieces you are getting rid of for a few days because you may change your time about a piece
(once again I'm a hoarder)
10. Do this every few months, and at least once a year, once a season is even better
These are all the pieces I didn't think I wanted or was questioning keeping.
And these are the pieces from that pile I decided to keep. I'm pretty impressed with how much I got rid of.

And this is the pile of things going to Plato's Closet.
And these are the pieces going to the consignment store.
And this is the final product! I have so much more space...which in Ali's world (yes I'm writing in third person) means SHOPPING!!!
Next, I should probably go through my shoes, only problem, I'm an even bigger shoe hoarder.